Teaching Doc

A Snake Doctor Offering

About Me

I'm a Board Certified Family Physician, trained in the south, who has done a little bit of everything. I've practiced both in an urban center and in a rural town. I've managed pregnancies, delivered babies, taken care of children from their first minute of life to when they went off to college, and adults fresh into the military at 18 all the way to great-grandparents over 100 years old. I've worked in a trauma center in the middle of a major city, and within the same week I've worked a rural urgent care hours away from the nearest hospital. I've worked in a 6-room hospital before the clinic opened for the day, and I've run an ICU team taking care of two dozen patients.

This is the beauty of Family Medicine: the training and ability to do a little bit of everything. While working in these settings I've learned a lot, but the most important thing has always been educating and communicating with patients. It's for that reason that I made this site.

About This Site

There's a lot of misinformation out there. Most is based on confusion, and it's important to have a place you can trust to sort out fact from fiction.

That place should be your Primary Care Physician's office.​

Due to the current state of healthcare policy in America however, 10-15 minute time-slots aren't enough to discuss everything, and for your busy schedules it's hard to come back to the doctor's office every time you have a question.

Take a look and see if your question is answered here! If not, please feel free to send me a message.

This is NOT medical advice, and should not be taken that way.

Instead, take it as education and prompts for questions to ask your Family Physician!