
Help! I’ve Got Diarrhea!

How do you know when loose bowel movements (stools) are a medical problem?

Diarrhea is an issue that many patient experience throughout their life. It can be caused by medicines, stress, surgery, chemo, or infections. While this can be an embarrassing thing for you to talk about, rest assured that your doctor has heard worse. Remember, we can’t help if we don’t know about it!

Loose bowel movements are something that everyone deals with, but you should make sure to tell your doctor when you get a fever (a temperature of 100.5° or higher), if you notice blood in your bowel movement (or if it’s black), if you’re having more than 5 bowel movements a day, or you if you feel weak like you might pass out.

  • For mild diarrhea you can use Pepto-Bismol, as directed on the package

  • For moderate to severe diarrhea use loperamide (brand name: Imodium).

Drink plenty of fluids!

  • Drink 8 to 10 large glasses of liquids a day to replace those lost by diarrhea. Drink small quantities at a time slowly to avoid upsetting your stomach.

  • Water should only be part of the 8 to 10 glasses a day. While it is important, it does not replace lost minerals

  • Gatorade can replace lost salt and potassium, but always try to get the “Zero” versions of these with low or no sugar, since the sugar can worsen diarrhea sometimes.

  • Clear soup or broth replaces lost salt

  • AVOID caffeinated, very hot, or very cold drinks. Avoid sugary drinks (cokes, iced tea, store-bought juices) as they can make your diarrhea worse, and also are bad for you

Eat small meals often

A good choice of foods for diarrhea is the BRAT diet:

B- bananas- help replace lost nutrients

R- rice- easily digested and binding because it is a starch

A- apple sauce- provides sugars for energy

T- toast- easy to tolerate and binding because it is a starch

When these foods are being well tolerated, then you can add other bland low fiber foods such as:

  • Foods easy to digest: chicken- white meat without the skin, steamed rice, crackers, white bread, pasta noodles without sauce, and canned or cooked fruits without skins

  • Foods high in potassium: bananas, apricots without skin, peach nectar, potatoes without skin, broccoli, halibut, mushrooms, asparagus, non-fat milk

Foods that can make diarrhea and cramping worse:

  • Fatty, fried, greasy, or spicy foods can cause more problems and discomfort

  • High-fiber foods: bran, whole grain cereals, dried fruit, fruit skins, popcorn, nuts and vegetables

  • Foods that cause gas: Beer, beans, cabbage, carbonated drinks