Sexual Health

Sexual Health consists of many things. What's done in privacy with consent of all involved is your business, but making it safe can be your doctor's business too.

While it can be difficult to talk about for some people, know that your doctor has heard it all. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable bringing up awkward subjects, and foremost in this list for many people is sexual performance problems, and Erectile Dysfunction.

Avoiding pregnancy is one of the biggest things that gets taught, and it's important! Click here to find methods of birth control that may work for you, and use that as a kicking-off point for a conversation with your doctor!

Preventing and treating Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's) is another fundamental part of sexual wellness, whether dealing with HIV or any other infection.

For those interested in pregnancy, it's important that you talk to your doctor. Any medicines you're on need to be checked because some may cause issues with a pregnancy. It's also important to eat healthily, avoid alcohol, and do your best to cut back on smoking and other unhealthy behaviors.

For those whose lives can't support a pregnancy or child, abortion is a part of healthcare. This is a medical decision which in America is unfortunately highly politicized, but just know that there are resources out there to help you.

For adolescents (or even some adults!) it can be difficult to find someone to talk to about all of this who A) is comfortable and private, B) knows enough facts to not just share urban legends and C) won't change the way they look at you. While this is all absolutely the case with your doctor, and it should be the case with your parents, sometimes that's not enough. If you have questions or you're curious about other things (from sex, to handling a crush, to birth control, or sexual orientation & gender), just text "Roo" to 22422. Give it a try - you might be surprised to find a question on there that you didn't even know you had!